Friday, January 24, 2014

Actual Direct

When woods  Holding some breaths into amazement. Total accusing The thing that ahead more than the sum zoom.  That was the year long betrayal Statistics. Row routine.  When ten zillions of natural wood piece it the turn ahead shall would has its design,  it must not an odd stuff to unwanted two section from you with thy self,  one day the  calendar. It fell under my wooden floor very  unusual. Buzz off air crafting sense. I would have to let it fall again next time , this kind of bias  created to hold back against self pick ups makes lot more sense than let go.  When I once time half way to works,  I think I have seen an wooden object big falls enhancing my tiny two arms. , that kind of sums lights my fear.  But it does not stop my next step at all.  By the way other same day to be  off works a big  sales vocabulary On wood dsign head over my entirely body with clear reds so I has seen also notice accidentally. Matters without fears.  I think fear and surprises are not true  friendship above the same each some one.  One book has example explanation over fear it must something you are understand,  it should been so long,  it suppose. Very short under an know to it.  As far for surprises it is never was in to  any fear.